Bayram's Treehouse Resort in Olympos, where breakfast and lunch and laundry are included in the price of a night, where the beach and the Greek-Roman-Byzantine Ruins are just 500 meters away and where we relaxed for four days.
This is the creek we crossed to get to Bayram's Tree House Resort

If there was a bridge it was washed out in the flood that happened two weeks before we arrived. We saw lots of repairs going on, public works crews were still cleaning up the creek.

The happy place in the orange grove, where we spent lots of time reading, playing games, posting to the internet and talking. A fellow from Australia taught John and I how to play backgammon, John taught him how to play Mongolian knuckle bone games. What a great life!

Cleaning up after the flood - too bad about that SUV!

November 1st, Nancy and John are swimming.

Even Nelson went in the water!

Exploring the ruins

Is it Nelson ... or is it Indiana Jones?

The eternal flames of Olympos....how do the measure the gas?

After a big rainfall the night before we were to leave the truck could not cross the creek to the bus stop, and thatand how we got an extra day in Olympos!
No one was complaining except the travel agent
who had to re-book our trip so everything else happened one day later!
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